Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
Java Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Ant
3) Apache Common
4) Class Definition
5) Collections
6) Data Type
7) Database
8) Design Pattern
9) Development
10) EJB3
11) Email
12) File
13) Generics
14) Hibernate
15) Internationalization
16) J2EE Application
17) J2ME
18) JPA
19) JSP
20) JSTL
21) JUnit
22) Language
23) Log
24) Network
25) Operators
26) PDF
27) Reflection
28) Regular Expressions
29) Security
30) Servlet
31) Spring
32) Statement Control
33) Swing
34) Swing Event
35) SWT
36) SWT 2D Graphics
37) Thread
38) Web Services SOA
39) XML
1) An alternate way to get week days symbols
2) An Internationalized Swing Application
3) Arabic Digits
4) Calculate the postfix to append to a filename to load the correct single filename for that Locale
5) Calculate the postfixes along the search path from the base bundle to the bundle specified by baseName and locale
6) Change the characters
7) Change the default locale is to call Locale setDefault()
8) Check Equality for two strings with Collator
9) Choice Format
10) CollationKey and Collator getInstance
11) Collator based compare
12) Combine date value in a sentence
13) Compare accentuated letters
14) Comparing Strings in a Locale-Independent Way
15) ComponentOrientation by Component type
16) Constant Locale Usage
17) Convert ResourceBundle to Map
18) Convert ResourceBundle to Properties
19) Converting Between Strings (Unicode) and Other Character Set Encodings
20) Converts a String to a Locale
21) Country Language Codes
22) Create an iterator on a substring (efgh)
23) Create Currency from a Locale and get its symbol and Default Fraction Digits
24) Currency number format
25) Customizing Resource Bundle Loading
26) Date Number Sample
27) Detect non-ASCII characters in string
28) Determining Potential Line Breaks in a Unicode String
29) Determining the Character Boundaries in a Unicode String
30) Determining the Sentence Boundaries in a Unicode String
31) Determining the Word Boundaries in a Unicode String
32) Display numbers in scientific notation
33) Displaying Calendar Names
34) Displaying numbers with commas
35) Encoder and decoder use a supplied ByteBuffer
36) Examples of ISO 3166 Country Codes
37) Examples of ISO 639 Language Codes
38) Extends Charset to create Hex Charset
39) File name for java util ResourceBundle
40) Floating point numbers
41) Format a number for a locale
42) Format a number with DecimalFormat
43) Format a number with leading zeros
44) Format date for a Locale
45) Format Date value in full length
46) Format Date() in long
47) Format Date() in short format
48) Format Date() value in medium format
49) Format for GERMAN locale
50) Format for the default locale
51) Format message with Integer fillers
52) Formatting a Message Containing a Date
53) Formatting a Message Containing a Number
54) Formatting a Message Containing a Time
55) Formatting a Number in Exponential Notation
56) Formatting and Parsing a Locale-Specific Percentage
57) Formatting and Parsing Locale-Specific Currency
58) Get a list of country names
59) Get currency symbol
60) Get Display Country for default locale
61) Get Display Name for default locale
62) Get Display Variant for default locale
63) Get ISO3 Language for default locale
64) Get localized name suitable for display to the user
65) Get resource bundle for a certain locale
66) Get the 2-letter country code; may be equal to
67) Get the smallest double greater than d
68) Getting Currency Symbols for Locale FRANCE
69) Getting Currency Symbols for Locale UK
70) Getting Currency Symbols for Locale US
71) IDN toASCII(String s)
72) IDN toUnicode(String s)
73) Implementing a Simple Event Notifier
74) Implements InputMethod
75) Incrementing a Double by the Smallest Possible Amount
76) International friendly string comparison with case-order
77) Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
78) Internationalized Resource Identifiers
79) Internationalizing Applications
80) Iterate a subset of a string
81) Iterate each characters of a string
82) Iterate over the characters in the backward direction
83) Iterating the Characters of a String
84) Japanese Calendar
85) Japanese ImperialCalendar
86) Java file based resource bundle
87) JOptionPane Resources
88) List Charsets
89) List Resource bundle
90) Listing All Available Locales
91) Listing All Available Unicode to Character Set Converters
92) Load currecy locale, code and symbol to JTable
93) Load Resource Bundle based on Locale Name
94) Load resources via a resources file
95) Locale Sensitive Services SPI
96) Locales
97) Map using Locale objects as keys
98) New DecimalFormat( ######), keep fraction
99) New DecimalFormat(# ######) more digits
100) New DecimalFormat(# #) two digits
101) New DecimalFormat(# 000000), append zero
102) New DecimalFormat(##00)
103) New DecimalFormat(#,###,###), group
104) New DecimalFormat(0 00)
105) New locales in Java 6
106) Parse a GERMAN number
107) Parse a number for a locale
108) Parse a number with NumberFormat and Locale CANADA
109) Parse number with NumberFormat and Locale
110) Percent value format
111) Reading Properties Files using ResourceBundle
112) ResourceBundle
113) Returns the parent locale of a given locale
114) Reverse a string using CharacterIterator
115) Set a default Locale
116) Set format to two decimal places
117) Set language and country code on the command line
118) Set MessageFormat to Locale US
119) Set only language code on the command line
120) Set the default locale to custom locale
121) Set the default locale to pre-defined locale
122) Setting the Default Locale on the command line
123) Sort string array with Collator
124) Sort strings using Collator class
125) Substitute tokens in a String
126) Text Bundle
127) The , symbol is used to group numbers
128) The ; symbol is used to specify an alternate pattern for negative values
129) The 0 symbol shows a digit or 0 if no digit present
130) The symbol indicates the decimal point
131) The symbol is used to quote literal symbols
132) Translate Charset
133) Use a custom format
134) Use a custom format for Date value
135) Use CharacterIterator to loop through a string
136) Use group separators and show trailing zeros
137) Use grouping to display a number
138) Use java text NumberFormat to format a currency value
139) Use Locale constant
140) Use MessageFormat to format a sentence
141) Use Normalizer to Remove Accents
142) Use RuleBasedCollator
143) Using only 0s to the left of E forces no decimal point
144) Using the JDK 6 ResourceBundle class
145) Word Wrap
146) Wrap multi-line strings (and get the individual lines)
147) XML resource bundle